Diehold Foundation, Inc.




Gravitation Experiments

     During the summer of 1996 Douglas Vogt and Vic Ardelean performed a series of on-site experiments at four location. The Author, Mr. Vogt did the experiments at the Oregon Vortex by himself.

     The equipments performed was the following: a specially built 25 MHz source powered by a 9-volt battery. A frequency counter with a large battery attached for field work. Two coax cables totally over 300 feet. A 7.5-foot board with two wires that could guarantee the camera was placed in the center of the board. The board also had two 6.25-foot poles that would attach at the ends of the base board.

     We also had a wooden stand to perform out weight experiments with a 25-pound weight. The following is a few of the tables and pictures from our experiments.

     The 25 MHz crystal and frequency counter were tested in Bellevue Washington at the authors home where there is no anomalies. As you can see the crystal with a 9 volt battery was very predictable. The test was done more than three times. The first 15 minutes seem to be a warm-up time for the crystal and circuit so whenever we started measuring time we allowed for a 20-minute warm-up period for the crystal.

Caption: Test of the 25 MHz crystal source with a fresh 9 volt battery, tested over 8 hours. I am only displaying the last 4 numbers of the frequency counter.


Caption: Another test of the equipment over 1 hour 10 minutes. Again it show the crystal source very stable over long periods of time.


Size Change Experiments:

    The Experiments at the Oregon Vortex took place on June 2, 1996 and June 9th. Both men did the experiments at Confusion Hill, The Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz and Magnetic hill. These are some of our experimental results. There is much more presented in the book Gravitational Mystery Spots of the United States.

     The results from our size change experiments using the 7.5-foot poles were very important because it removed the problem of the optical illusion of any structures. Our results showed that at the Santa Cruz Mystery Spot there was a 5.4% height change over 7.5-feet. This height difference is dramatic and should not occur in our time and space if the general theory of relativity was correct—it obviously is not correct.


Caption: You can visibly see the height differences in the two poles. Vic is on the left and Doug is on the right. The pole on the left is closer to the center of the vortex.

Caption: Here is a picture of just the poles clearing showing the 5.4% hight difference. The pole on the left is closer to the center of the vortex.


Weight and Force Experiments:

    Regarding the weight/force experiments, it took about 20% more force to push the 25-pound weight towards the center of the vortex than away. The results are graphed like this.


Caption: This two graph shows the additional amount of force needed to push the dead weight towards the center of the vortex.

Caption: Two visible examples of the gravity density issues. The first is at the Oregon Vortex. The other is in New Brunswick, Canada. This stretch of road is actually much flatter than it appears.


Time experiments:

This set of experiments and results are the most damaging to the current theories on gravity and time and their corresponding relationship. The following are only a few of the graphs our measurements discovered. The timing source (the crystal) had a new battery placed in it for each experiment is the experiments were going to take longer than three hours. The author did not start the experiment until 30 minutes had passed after the new battery was installed. Only the last 4 numbers are shown of the frequency counter. The following are time distortions that should not exist on the Earth if the General Theory of Relativity and the Quantum theories of gravity were correct. They are obviously not correct.


Caption: This graph shows one of the measurements at the Oregon Vortex. Only the last 4 numbers are shown of the frequency counter. To have a 38 Hertz change over 65-feet is a very big change for normal time and space.

Caption  Above: This graph shows a very interesting phenomena I discovered at the Oregon Vortex. It was late afternoon and no one was in the vortex only my 25 MHz frequency source. All of a sudden a group of eight or nine young people walked into the vortex and the counter started to fluctuate like this. What ever is buried under there interacts with the presents of people or other electronic devices placed in it such as cell phones.


Caption Below: After observing many time fluctuation in these vortexes I decided to keep the crystal in one location inside the Santa Cruz vortex and see if the time changed over five hours. As you can plainly see it did by as much as 50 hertz. It is almost like a long sawtooth wave.

Caption: After observing many time fluctuation in these vortexes I decided to keep the crystal in one location inside the Santa Cruz vortex and see if time fluctuated over five hours. As you can plainly see it did by as much as 50 hertz. It is almost like a long sawtooth wave.

     This experiment was at the Santa Cruz Mystery Spot vortex. As you can clearly see the frequency changed along the distance from the center of the vortex.


     The Diehold Foundation would like to get funding to perform these experiments at other gravitation anomalies in the US and Canada. There may be a patter as to their location. We would also like to be able to drill 3 or 4 holes at these sites to see if we hit something hard like the side of a large pyramid buried because of previous polar reversals.

Diehold Foundation, Inc.

Days to the Next Polar Reversal.


(c) 1997-2025 Douglas Vogt, All rights reserved.

Diehold Foundation, Inc.
Diehold Foundation, Inc.