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Volume III

The Exodus and Finding the Real Mount Sinai,

Decoding the Hebrew Scripture

This Book Ends Historical Relativism Regarding the Hebrew Scriptures This volume contains the results of three expeditions to the real Mount Sinai and one expedition to identify where the crossing was at the Bay of Suez. It covers the geological and archaeological results of these expeditions. The Author is the first person in 2,600 years who correctly located the real Mount Sinai and found all the altars Moses mentions in the Torah including the real Abraham’s Altar. The book puts an end to all speculation that the Exodus and Moses did not exist. After all fictional people do not leave physical evidence behind. The Secular Viewpoint of the Exodus Story The 17th and 18th century philosophers Spinoza, Descartes, and the mathematician Leibniz, helped mold the nineteenth and twentieth century thinking of the scientific rationalist. Rationalism combined with the atomists’ materialistic viewpoint of our universe has dominated the educated man and our education system. The result is the rejection of religious beliefs because they are without rational foundation. The average person does not “literally” believe that an 80-year-old man could take a wooden staff and cause the Nile River to turn to blood, or frogs or locusts would cover the land, or the killing of the first-born of the Egyptians, but avoid the Hebrews. In addition, how absurd to think that this same old man could take his staff and split the Red Sea so it would appear as two walls of water. Historical Relativism teaches that Moses, Aaron, Abraham, Joseph, the Exodus, the Ark of the covenant, Mount Sinai and other persons of the Torah are all fictional. They also believe that the Torah was written over 700 years and finished by Jeremiah. This Volume ends historical relativism applied towards the Torah. To counter this viewpoint, this volume will provide pictorial evidence from three expeditions that the story of Exodus did happen with evidence to prove the existence of all of the altars, caves and wells described in the Torah. Evidence like the actions of the priests of Amon, trying to blot out all reference to Akhenaton’s family, also tends to prove it. The story told by the Tell El-Amarna tablets proves that the invasion of Canaan was in the period just after Akhenaton. The Old Testaments account of the invasion of Canaan by the Joshua and the Hebrews is historically correct even though some of the names are somewhat different. Akhenaton’s appearance agrees with the clues in the Legends of the Jews. The names of the cities of Zoan, Tanis, Sukot (later became the holiday Succoth), and the people involved match the Torah clues. The Exodus route this book follows fits perfectly with the physical geography and towns listed in the Torah as well as the dates and the cycles of the moon. Finally, Joshua mentions the town Ay (named after the Pharaoh Aye) that pinpoints the time frame. The question is who is right, and who is deluding themselves? The truth is a lonely fish in a sea of lies especially when so many other fish feed on those lies. The Table of Contents listed below shows the completeness of the research and of the discoveries.

Sample Chapter 1

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1, Introduction, 1

My Beginnings,   1

The Beginning of a Nation and a Religion,   1

The Secular Viewpoint of the Exodus Story,   2

How I Found the Real Mount Sinai,   3

The Time Period Covered,   4

The Complexity of the Whole Story,  5

The Expeditions,   5

Conditions of the Study Area,   6

The First Expedition,   7

The Local Population of Bedouins,   10

The Seven Scars of Mount Sinai,   13

Uniqueness of Mount Sinai,   15

Unusual Finds in the Valley North of the Hill,   15


Chapter 2, Egyptian History and Locations at the Time of the Exodus,   19

Other Versions of the Exodus and Egyptian History,   19

The Egyptian Cities in Question,   26

Luxor and Karnak,   26

Tanis,   27

Zoan and Goshen,   30

Sukot or Succoth,   31

Pithom and Ramses,   35


Chapter 3, The Pharaohs of the XVIII Dynasty at the Time of the Exodus,   39

Amonhotep III,   39

Amonhotep IV Later Changed to Akhenaton,   40

Akhenaton’s Wife, Nefertiti,   43

Why Did He Change His Name?    46

Smenkh-ka-Rê (Smenkhkare), Akhenaton’s Oldest Son,   47

Tutankhamen,   51

Ay (also spelled Aye) ,   51

Haremheb,   51

Ramses,   53


Chapter 4, The Ephriamites and the Beginning of Moses’ Journey,   55

Tribal Structure and Organization,   55

Moses and Aaron, Who Were They?    56

What Happened to the Levites?    58

The Ephraimites’ Big Sin,   59

Moses’ Pre-Exodus History,   60

What You Know can Incriminate You,   61

Solving the Puzzle of Moses’ Name,   62

His Wife,   64

His Son’s Names,   65

Nun, His Grandson,   66

Joshua, Moses’ Great Grandson,   66

Aaron and his Background,   69

What Was Aaron’s Duties Back in Egypt?    69

What Were They Doing at Mount Sinai the Same Time?    71


Chapter 5, The Plagues Leading up to the Exodus,   73

When was the Passover?    73

The Rod and its Role in Creating the “Signs” or Plagues?    74

The Plants, the Nile River, and the Lambs Do Not Lie,   75

How did God Communicate with Moses?    81


Chapter 6, The First 27 Days of the Exodus,   85

September 11, Passover Night and the Issue of Calendars,   85

The Population Numbers in the Torah,   86

September 13, The Exodus Begins,   88

September 20, Sukot (Succoth) ,   89

October 1, Arrived at Etham,   90

October 5, Arrived at Pi-Hahiroth and the crossing,   92


Chapter 7, The Crossing to the Battle of Amalek,   97

The Crossing, October 6th,   97

October 7th, At Elim or The Wells of Moses,   104

Moses Side Trip to Ball-zephon,   105

October 9th, Arrived at Baal-zephon,   107

October 10th, The Well of Marah,   108

October 11th, back to Elim and Proceed Into the Wilderness of Sinn,   110

October 13 and 14th, Encamped by the Red Sea and the First Sabbath,   111

October 15th, Encamped in Front of Sinn Bishr,   111

October 20th, Reaching Dophkah (the Well of Henaik),   112

October 20th, Arrived at Rephidim,   114

October 22, 1306 b.c.e., The Battle with Amalek,   117

Section Conclusion,   121


Chapter 8, Encampment at Mount Sinai,   123

The Journey to Mount Sinai,   123

Saturday, November 11, 1306 b.c.e.,   123

The Twelve Standards,   127

The Altars on Top of Mount Sinai,   130

The Sacrificial Altar,   130

Abraham’s Altar,   133

The Sacred Cubit and the Message of the Dimensions,   137

The Altar Where the Ark was Placed,   139

The Candle Stand and the Bread Stand, The Missing Keys,   144

The Tabernacle,   145

The Tabernacle Roof,   146

The Walls of the Tabernacle,   147

The Feast of Tabernacles,   148

The Wadi Encampment of the Levites and Ephraimites,   148

Aaron’s Sacrificial Altar and the Altar Platform for the Golden Calf,   151

The Golden Calf and Aaron’s Role in Making it,   153

The Jewish Tradition About the Torah and the Tablets,   158

The Legends of the Jews and what they say about the two tablets,   159

Moses Reaction to what His Brother Did,   160

The Golden Calf,   162

The Other Tribal Names,   163

Korah’s Rebellion,   164


Chapter 9, The Ark of the Covenant and How it Worked,   167

How did Moses Know How to Build the Ark?    167

Description of the Ark, Tabernacle, and Sacrificial Altar,   168

The Fat,   169

Priestly Procedures That had to be Followed,   170

The Ark of the Covenant and the Incense Table,   171

The Table for the Ark,   171

The Incense Table,   171

The Ark,   172

The Ark Box,   173

The Ark Cover,   173

The Throne,   175

Biblical References to High Voltage,   178

A Voice of the Lord of Hosts was Heard,   179

The Round Crystalline Disks,   180

What was the Ark of the Covenant?    183

How did the Ark Work?    184

What did the Priests do in Front of the Ark of the

Covenant?    186


Chapter 10, Dating the Exodus,   189

The Calendar and When the Exodus Occurred,   189

Dates for the Exodus,   190

Ancient Calendars,   190

The Technical Problems with the Hebrew Lunar Calendar,   190

Ancient Calendars,   191

The Babylonian Calendar,   191

The Assyrian and Canaanite Calendars,   191

The Egyptian Calendar,   192

The Real Beginning of the Jewish Calendar and

the Exodus,   192

Why is the Torah so Elusive about When the Exodus Really Occurred?    192

The Month of the Year,   193

The Plants, the Nile River, and the Lambs Do Not Lie,   194

Succoth/Sukot,   196

Other Evidence From the Hebrew Scriptures,   196

Joshua,   196

Gideon and the Angle,   196

Samson,   197

King Solomon,   198

King Hezekiah,   198

King Josiah,   199

The Prophet Ezekiel and the Future,   200

The Other Two Holidays,   200

Day of Atonement,   200

Jubilee Year,   201

King Solomon,   201

Elijah,   202

Section Conclusion,   203

How did the Dates for Observance Get Swapped?    203

King Jeroboam I of the Kingdom of Israel, the Idolater,   203

Changes in the Torah,   205

The Political State of Affairs,   207

The Conquering Babylonians and the Final Changing of the Calendar,   207


Chapter 11, The Aftermath in Egypt,   213

The Domestic Front,   213

What Changed Amenhotep IV to Become Akhenaton,   213

The Watershed Event,   213

Aton, Akhenaton’s New God and Religion,   215

Aton, the One and Only God,   216

The Red Orb of Aton,   219

Academia’s Reaction,   220

Akhenaton’s Actions Towards Creating His New Religion,   220

Egypt’s Foreign Possessions,   221

From the Palestine Area,   224


Chapter 12, The End of Historical Relativism and Conclusion,   229

Historical Relativism,   229

The End of Historical Relativism Applied Towards the Torah,   230

Volume I, From Abraham to Jacob,   230

Volume II, Joseph and Slavery for the Hebrews,   230

Volume III: The Exodus and Finding the Real Mount Sinai,   231


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Days to the Next Polar Reversal.


(c) 1997-2025 Douglas Vogt, All rights reserved.

Diehold Foundation, Inc.
This Book Ends Historical Relativism Regarding the Hebrew Scriptures This volume contains the results of three expeditions to the real Mount Sinai and one expedition to identify where the crossing was at the Bay of Suez. It covers the geological and archaeological results of these expeditions. The Author is the first person in 2,600 years who correctly located the real Mount Sinai and found all the altars Moses mentions in the Torah including the real Abraham’s Altar. The book puts an end to all speculation that the Exodus and Moses did not exist. After all fictional people do not leave physical evidence behind. The Secular Viewpoint of the Exodus Story The 17th and 18th century philosophers Spinoza, Descartes, and the mathematician Leibniz, helped mold the nineteenth and twentieth century thinking of the scientific rationalist. Rationalism combined with the atomists’ materialistic viewpoint of our universe has dominated the educated man and our education system. The result is the rejection of religious beliefs because they are without rational foundation. The average person does not “literally” believe that an 80-year-old man could take a wooden staff and cause the Nile River to turn to blood, or frogs or locusts would cover the land, or the killing of the first-born of the Egyptians, but avoid the Hebrews. In addition, how absurd to think that this same old man could take his staff and split the Red Sea so it would appear as two walls of water. Historical Relativism teaches that Moses, Aaron, Abraham, Joseph, the Exodus, the Ark of the covenant, Mount Sinai and other persons of the Torah are all fictional. They also believe that the Torah was written over 700 years and finished by Jeremiah. This Volume ends historical relativism applied towards the Torah. To counter this viewpoint, this volume will provide pictorial evidence from three expeditions that the story of Exodus did happen with evidence to prove the existence of all of the altars, caves and wells described in the Torah. Evidence like the actions of the priests of Amon, trying to blot out all reference to Akhenaton’s family, also tends to prove it. The story told by the Tell El-Amarna tablets proves that the invasion of Canaan was in the period just after Akhenaton. The Old Testaments account of the invasion of Canaan by the Joshua and the Hebrews is historically correct even though some of the names are somewhat different. Akhenaton’s appearance agrees with the clues in the Legends of the Jews. The names of the cities of Zoan, Tanis, Sukot (later became the holiday Succoth), and the people involved match the Torah clues. The Exodus route this book follows fits perfectly with the physical geography and towns listed in the Torah as well as the dates and the cycles of the moon. Finally, Joshua mentions the town Ay (named after the Pharaoh Aye) that pinpoints the time frame. The question is who is right, and who is deluding themselves? The truth is a lonely fish in a sea of lies especially when so many other fish feed on those lies. The Table of Contents listed below shows the completeness of the research and of the discoveries.
Diehold Foundation, Inc.